Monday, April 17, 2006

God isn't done with me yet.

The napkin is folded. God isn't done with me yet.

In yesterday's Gospel, our priest said that when Christ's apostle visited his tomb, the cloth or napkin covering Christ's face was found neatly folded.

Our priest said that it is Jewish tradition for a master to crumple his napkin after finishing his meal. (Supposedly as a sign for the servants to know that he has finished eating).

In relation to the Gospel, Christ's napkin being neatly folded meant that He isn't finished with us yet.

How many times do we think that our God has abandoned us? How many times do we think that we are alone in this world? How many times have our pain, suffering, and burdens broken our backs and our wills?

God isn't done with me yet. He is risen and alive. He has not forgotten me, for why would He, after saving me from my sin and destruction?

Today is Easter Monday. Thank you Lord for saving and giving life to your humble servant.

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