Sunday, April 12, 2015

Time Marches On

March, another school year has ended. 

It seems like only yesterday the hubby and I were prepping Meg for preschool and now the little girl is not so little anymore. Entering the 4th grade next school year and ending the 3rd grade with an overnight Girl Scout activity, she shows us that she is a bigger and independent young lady.

Boy, I suddenly feel much, much older!

I am thankful that I am able to capture moments, even brief and fleeting ones, with my phone.

Photo apps are quite useful and I'm getting the hang of snapping photos in a flash. Some of the apps that I use are the phone's basic camera, Instagram for anything and everything under the sun, OpenSnap (resto related ones), and PhotoGrid.

These apps can make anyone feel like a pro! Well, ok maybe not a pro-pro, but these apps can help make photos a little bit more presentable, beautiful even. Beautiful and lasting photos. Beautiful and lasting memories.

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