Monday, July 10, 2006

Insane Thoughts

Merriam-Webster's (online) dictionary defines insanity as
something utterly foolish or unreasonable
. A friend of mine and I had a nice chata regarding crazy people, and our discussion ended with both of us somehow thinking that there are no absolutely sane persons in the world. True, there are those who are without a doubt in need of therapy or medication, but then there are those who just have their own bouts with insanity
. Can any person really claim soundness of mind or a healthy mindset at all times? Hmmm.

1 comment:

Ganns said...

Hi Vida!

I don't think it's that we are sane or insane, as much as it is how successful we are at searching for (and finding) meaning in our lives. :)

For those of us who've found it (in my case, a relationship with Jesus Christ), that becomes our security and foundation, and what society deems 'sane' or 'insane' is totally irrelevant, because we've something so much greater to live for. :)

Be blessed.